Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get there?

Babanovac is located only 28km away from Travnik, 110km away from Sarajevo, 90km from Banja Luka, 160km from Mostar, 180km from Split, 250km from Zagreb, 370km from Belgrade and 390km from Ljubljana. Busses from Travnik bus station are regularly driving for Babanovac and back.  Pick up service from Travnik can also be arranged at additional cost. 

How many persons can you take in apartment?

Apartment has 5 beds: 3 in the bedroom & 2 french beds (200x160cm) in the living room. Maximum is 6 persons.

Is there minimum reservation policy?

Yes. Minimum reservation is 4 nights. Because we’re super awesome and no one really wants to leave so soon.

Do you charge by person?

No, price is based on the number of nights for the entire apartment, regardless how many people stay.

Do you allow pets?

Sure, we love pets. We’ll even throw them a bone.

Do you serve breakfast / lunch / dinner?

No meals are served. However apartment has kitchen with fridge, microwave, toster, and stove which can be used to prepare your own meals. Or simply try the best Ćevapi in the nerarby restaurant.

Have additional questions?

Contact us